31 Day Blog Challenge: My Worst Habits

I’m doing another two-fer today since I have been slacking again on the blog posts recently.

To be honest, this challenge really gets down to the nitty-gritty. I have confessed my worst fears, my guilty pleasures, an old photo of me, and now my worst habits. My soul is exposed!

Bad Habit #1: Pulling out my eyelashes. I think I mentioned this awhile back in another post but I have Trichotillomania. This is an anxiety disorder which cause me to have the very bad habit of pulling out my eyelashes. I have done this for going on 21 years now. It’s always been something that has embarrassed me but it’s not too noticeable as long as I wear eyeliner. It was worse in elementary school when I couldn’t wear make-up to school, if you can imagine. And little kids can be cruel. It’s something I have tried working on again and again, but for them to even make it to the halfway point of growing I have to have acrylic nails on constantly. It’s a comfort thing.

Bad Habit #2: Turning down the radio in my car as soon as someone starts talking. (Including myself) My friends laugh and poke fun at me all the time because if we’re driving anywhere in the car with the radio on and someone starts speaking, I immediately turn down the radio. I didn’t think it was that weird, I just like to hear what people are saying! I hate yelling over the radio… Okay talking over the radio.

Bad Habit #3: Spacing out when people are talking to me. Yes I know! A horrible habit. If I am thinking really hard about something you may as well just wait to say whatever you are going to say to me. I cannot focus on multiple things at once! I am a horrible multi-tasker and multi-focuser. Although, I do think teaching has improved that area some. There is absolutely no way you can focus on one thing at a time with 21 9 year olds in one room. It’s just not possible.

31 day blog challenge

31 day blog challenge

I found this challenge on a fellow bloggers site. It looks pretty interesting so I thought I would have a go at it! I thought I would do Day 1 and 2 together since my Intro will be fairly short.

If you are reading this then you probably already now my blog is about reading books and writing! I love both. Lately I have not had much time for either due to my student teaching but as soon as it’s over I plan on picking them back up. I am currently reading The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan. I am a 23 year old who still loves middle grade and young adult fantasy. A goal of mine is to one day write a novel. I’m not sure when that day will come but it is something I feel very strongly about.

20 Facts About Me:
1. I have a ferret named Hermes and he has a huge personality for an animal of his size.
2. I have known my fiance since we were both 9 years old.
3. I have never had a soft drink/soda/coke/pop (whatever you call it!) in my life.
4. Math terrifies me.
5. I am getting married on May 29th of next year.
6. I have an impulse control anxiety disorder called Trichotillomania. If you are close enough you can see that I have missing eyelashes :/ I have had this since I was 3 years old.
7. Harry Potter was the series that made me fall in love with reading.
8. My favorite fantasies are Harry Potter, all of Tolkien’s Middle Earth books, and Libba Bray’s Gemma Doyle Trilogy.
9. I do not like adult books. I think they are boring and/or depressing.
10. I hope to one day write a book.
11. I hope to teach college level creative writing or a literature class one day.
12. I have 3 younger brothers. They are A LOT younger than me.
13. I could probably live off of milk and cereal.
14. My favorite TV shows are Reign, The O.C. (don’t judge!), and The Office.
15. I have thought about vlogging in the past but I’m too scared to because of my heavy Texan accent. I get called out for it all the time!
16. I wish I was more athletic. I try to jog when I have time but in all honesty I suck at it.
17. I love 80s movies and music. (Depeche Mode, The Lost Boys, Pretty in Pink, etc.)
18. I went to Texas State University and I miss being in college so much! I just miss Austin, TX!
19. All of my best friends (including my fiance) are people I have known and been friends with since I was in elementary-high school.
20. I hope that I can one day travel and see the world! I have only traveled East in the United States other than Colorado. And I went to Mexico once for the day when I was younger when we were at South Padre island.

I hope this was interesting! Pass it along! It’s a great way to get to know other bloggers 🙂